Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lana Del Rey - Diet MTN Dew

Oh, I figured out why I like her. She seems like someone who needs saving, and for some reason it's something that has, unfortunately, been appealing to me. It seems like she is really desperate to be liked and has thus molded herself into such.

She's getting a lot of flack for being phony and has also gotten a lot of press from media industry outlets. Whatever, I like her music.

M83 - Midnight City

This song is also on the HTMIIA Mixtape. Looking forward to M83 album. If this song is any indication, it will be a good one.

Blood Orange - Sutphin Boulevard

I saw this a while back, but didn't really pay attention to it. It's in the How to Make it in America Mixtape 2 though.