Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dan Black feat. Kid Cudi - Symphonies

I only saw this video for the first time today. I was getting ready for work and when I saw Kid Cudi was in it, I exclaimed 'oh shit!' I like this song.

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I normally don't make resolutions, first, because one doesn't need a new year or any other occasion to make a change and second, because I am, for the most part, a good human being.

However, there are some things that I would like to do in the next year:

1. stop watching shitty television shows. I watch a lot of tv shows that I don't even really like, that add nothing to my well being, and end up being a pure waste of time. The biggest culprits are Bad Girls Club and Real Housewives of [x city]. The entertainment value do not make up for the time spent on them.

2. With this extra time, I would like to read more.

3. Donate money and volunteer. While I have often donated money to Prep for Prep, Hotchkiss, and Harvard, those institutions probably do not need my meager contributions much. I am looking into animal rights and well-being charities to which I can donate some money. My goal is to donate at least $300.

I'll add others as I think of them.

Monday, December 20, 2010

What Happens to a DREAM Deferred?

Recently, the House of Representatives passed a version of the DREAM Act, a partial immigration reform bill aimed at legalizing those who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children. The the House voted affirmatively for it is quite impressive. Because of this vote, Harry Reid busted out all sorts of political maneuvers to improve the bill's chances in the Senate.

On Saturday, a heavy campaign in favor of the DREAM Act ended in defeat. The vote came in at 55 for and 41 against. This vote went against the advice of hundreds of professors, economists, and journalists. Against the judgment of the current administration from Janet Napolitano, to Eric Holder, to the President himself, ending the dream of hundreds of thousands of undocumented students to continue their education, enlist in the armed forces, find a job, and improve their lives.

One of the most ridiculous arguments against the bill stated by Republicans was that the bill's introduction in the Senate was nothing but a political game. In truth, however, the bill was no game - instead, it is a grave reality that the dreams of all those hiding in the shadows continues to fester.

If anything, it is the Republicans who have been playing political games, or rather Russian roulette. With the recent victories in the midterm elections, the Republicans have become emboldened to the point of refusing to negotiate and holding the Democratic agenda hostage. They refused to move forward on all legislation until disastrous Bush-era tax cuts were extended. The Democrats capitulated, from the top down, though they did not have much choice and painted the deal in the best possible light for them. The Republicans struck down the DREAM Act, are blocking the START treaty to safeguard nuclear weaponry, impede the appointment of judicial nominees, among many other things. This party is becoming schizophrenic, losing its identity to pander to various types of conservative archetypes. If this is not the very undoing of the Republican party, at least it is shooting itself in the foot. The continued refusal by the Republicans to make a deal on any type of immigration reform is guaranteeing that votes of Hispanics, the fastest growing minority groups, will continue to heavily lean Democratic now and into the future for generations.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scissor Sisters - Invisible Light

This son is definitely the best one from their newest album. When it first came out, I was reading a lot about conspiracy theories regarding MK Ultra, mind control, and alters. This song made me uneasy. The video, too, makes me uneasy since it has some common themes of mind control conspiracy theories.

On Preparing for Death

When I was bitten by a mouse over the Thanksgiving weekend, I became aware of the danger of rabies. Even though I was told that rabies is extremely rare and that there have been no cases of mouse to human transmission both by the doctor and the CDC, I was still a bit weary about forgoing rabies treatment. I really should not be worried about having rabies, but every once in a while in the last couple of weeks, I'm seized by the thought that if I have rabies and symptoms develop, I have, at most, ten days to live.

And so because of that, I began to think what I would do if I knew I only had a handful of days to live. Realistically, I would not be able to do much. The CDC and other health and public safety bodies would quarantine me and observe as the illness progressed. Even if that did not occur, I would be so ravaged by the illness that I would not be able to do much anyway.

If that were not the case, I would want to see and spend as much time as possible with my family and friends. It sounds hackneyed, but I would rather say goodbye to them than go out a la '24 Hours to Live.'

I vacillate between being afraid of and at peace with death. Most people believe in some form afterlife and are comforted by that notion, especially the thought that leading a good life gives them entry into some paradise. To them, death would not be as scary since they are going to a better place. Other people believe in reincarnation, and as such, there is something that makes that person inherently them and so that is just transferred to another life form while their individual entity remains intact.

I do not think that there is an afterlife - no heaven, no hell. Because of this, I am afraid of no longer being. The concept is difficult to ponder because I am always me and cannot comprehend what it will be like no longer having this consciousness. I am comforted by the fact life and death has existed since organisms first emerged. Other organisms aren't necessarily afraid of death; rather, they try to continue living. So I am neither the first nor the last to die, and so I should not be afraid, but rather accept that fact. Also, I did not exist before I was born, so at worst, I am returning to the same state that I was in before being born.

Who knows.


I have been sick and have not been going to the gym. I need to restart P90X. Bummer.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

P90X Days 3 + 4

Wednesday was day three. The Arms + Shoulders workout went well. I cheated a bit on the nutrition plan. Since I had to do laundry, I ate out at the Thai restaurant connected to the laundromat. I had fried tilapia with mango salad and white rice (I forgot to ask for brown rice!). I drank only water, which is good.

Today, I did most of the Kenpo X workout and Ab Ripper X. I am so tired from waking up early. I need to go to bed earlier and get better sleep.

Tonight is the Yelp Snow Ball where different restaurants will serve food samples and beers, so I will likely cheat a little bit.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

On Recreating How the Natives Must Have Spent the First Thanksgiving

This excerpt from one of my Yelp reviews recounts how I spent my Thanksgiving weekend. I entitled this entry 'On Recreating How the Natives Must Have Spent the First Thanksgiving' because my weekend contained many things that the natives must have endured when the Europeans arrived like illness, hunger, blood, and fear of death. Of course, my suffering was minuscule compared to that of the natives in what we now call the Americas:

My Thanksgiving weekend, if it can be called that, was mired by disasters. My dear beloved girlfriend was attacked by a most wretched and vile stomach bug on Friday morn' with symptoms that stretched out well into Saturday afternoon. As her illness progressed, I grew fearful that I, too, would succumb to that malignant specter that upends one's stomach and empties one's bowels. To my good fortune, her condition improved; however, this amelioration lulled me into a false sense of security that I would escape unscathed.

As I donned my vestments and coiffed the stubble of my remaining hair in preparation for a marvelous eve in the most brilliant of cities, I felt a rumbling in the very pit of my entrails. Woe be me! Shortly thereafter, I found myself to be a prisoner in our very own bathroom. I say, good people, that I will spare you the putrid details, but my suffering continued well into the following day.

A brief respite, not doubt a temporary halt by the accursed bug in an effort to lead a new charge with redoubled effort, allowed me to drift into an unsteady sleep. Quickly, I was awoken by screams... my love had found a mouse trapped in one of the cruelest devices. The cute little fellow had wandered onto a glue trap, preventing his coming and goings. He fought and fought, managing only to rip his hair out. I sprung into action, grabbing the trap with said struggling rodent, grabbed a bottle of olive oil and made for the bathroom. My love purveyed a humane trap and I steeled my nerves for what was to come. I poured oil over the glue and grabbed my new friend. However, as he was slicked down and my reflexes were slowed by my deteriorated condition, I was unable to grab hold and transfer him to the humane contraption. The little fellow did take hold of my finger with his incisors, clenching hard and holding on for dear life. I let out a yell, fighting to remove the rodent's grip without strangling him. He let go after I ran water over his head, no doubt feeling like those held prisoner by our beloved armed forces. Blood gushed out of the wound and the little fellow did scamper away in a hurry.

P90X + Insanity Hybrid

I need to get in shape. Though I have been working out some mornings doing Insanity workouts, I have not kept any type of diet or routine to allow me to succeed. So before I become even more sedentary and before I succumb to the beckoning call of comfort food as we plunge into the heart of winter, I have decided to try P90X again.

P90X gives me the structure that I need: Planned workouts and a nutrition plan.

The first time I tried P90X, I completed about 75% of the 90 days and had great results. I was stronger and in great shape. It worked so well for me that I almost had a six pack, meaning that I lost sufficient fat to be able to see some of my abdominal muscles.

This time around, I will be doing the P90X strength routines and Insanity workouts on cardio days. I'll also be moving the Ab Ripper X workout from strength days to cardio days to balance my routines.

I am allowed an ample amount of calories per day, but mostly protein. I am allowed the following: 9 servings of protein, 4 servings of dairy, 2 servings of fruit, 4 servings of vegetables, 1 serving of fat, 1 serving of carbohydrates, 2 servings of condiments, and 2 double snacks (200 calories each).

I started yesterday with the Chest + Back workout. I woke up at 6:00 am and headed over to the gym at 6:30. I am going to be using the pull up bar this time. The workout was good, except I have to regain the strength I had. I could barely do any pull ups but toward the end, I figured out how to assist my upper body with my legs (no chairs at the gym).

Yesterday, I had three eggs, two protein shakes (with three servings of skim milk), two protein bars, three servings of chicken, and one serving of shrimp. One apple and one banana. One serving of lettuce, one serving of tomatoes, and two servings of carrots. One and a half servings of pasta (cheating, already!) with sauce as my condiment. For my fat, I had two tablespoons of a dipping sauce (fewer calories than I'm allowed). For my snacks, I had a Promax bar (270 calories) and 20 almonds. Another cheat: 1 piece of chocolate. I also had coffee, which I don't think is allowed, but I can't go without it.

This morning, I did the Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit and Ab Ripper X. Both are incredibly tough and I had a hard time getting through them ... I was sweating like mad.

I'm looking forward to settling into the routine of waking up early. It's still difficult getting up at 6, but going to the gym at 6:30 gives me ample time to workout and not have to rush getting ready for work. I have to prepare my lunch, set the coffee maker, separate workout clothes, and other small things like that the night before because I definitely will not have time to do those things in the morning and so I don't make too much noise and wake Brittany and Romeo.

So far, two workouts done and feeling great.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Black Swan

I really enjoyed Black Swan. I rarely get the urge to go to the movie theater, but I really wanted to see this one.

I'm a big Daren Aronofsky fan - The Fountain is my favorite movie.

This movie so aesthetically pleasing - the dancing, the scenery, the costumes, Mila Kunis, and Natalie Portman. It's also a great thriller, not quite scary, but definitely makes one anxious. It reminded me a little of Misery and The Yellow Wallpaper. Aronofsky does a great job at portraying the spiral as Nina goes mad.

Excellent movie.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Arc'teryx Veilance Jackets

These jackets are sick. Get them here.