Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On Japan

It has been almost a week since the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and the conditions are getting worse. Aftershocks continue to hit the country and nuclear plants are on the brink of meltdown. I've seen figures for the death toll near 4,300. Then there are 12,000 people who are missing.

I was watching a movie the other night in bed cuddling with Romeo. I was trying to be positive and think that I would be able to survive a disaster like in Japan. I was sure that the first thing I would do is grab Romeo and run out and do whatever I needed to do. However, upon deeper reflection, I realized that a disaster like that catches almost all of its victims unprepared, going about their daily activities, in bed, in the subway, etc. So if I were in bad and something happened all if a sudden, I would probably die almost instantly without even knowing it.

That is the nature of life and death, I guess... that one can never fully comprehend it and there is no justice as to who and why someone dies. There is no need to become preoccupied with it. Of course, we all have primal instinct of survival, but there is a point when nothing can be done to improve survival and so we must go forth quietly, resigned into death's icy grip.

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