Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Mexico is in a terrible state at the moment. Aside from its normal problems of high unemployment and a stagnant economy, the last few years have seen a powerful rise of violence due to drug cartels.

It is incredible how much Mexico resembles a war zone... the thing is that this is a war with an unknown number of fronts and infinite supplies of soldiers, at least for the cartels and will continue to exist until the demand for drugs is present. How can a war like this continue, when it is a war of terror wreaked upon the nation and all of its citizens?

The state has to fight against the fire power, man power, and intelligence that all of this drug money can buy. The cartels will continue with this violence.

What is to be done? What is a realistic solution? Legalizing drugs in Mexico is a possibility. If this happens, the state can regulate production and sales in Mexico. This might give an incentive for these narcos to go legitimate... but then of course, the largest problem is that drugs would continue to be illegal in the US and so illegal outfits would still exist to smuggle the drugs into this country.

The most satisfying solution would be to wage a total war. The government would need to invest more money and recruit more soldiers and show zero mercy. Shoot to kill, arrest to kill, question to kill. The problem with this is that, without due process of law, innocent people would be killed by the states' arm.

Equally satisfying would be branding the narcos and all their henchmen so that they can feel the scorn and abuse from the populace that they have been tormenting for years. These people are sick - just sick. They recruit children. They kill innocent people, including children. Sick.

Really, what is the best solution? I really don't know. Decrease demand and prices to remove the incentive. Make the business to dangerous to be worth the risk. I don't know what else can be done.

El Blog del Narco documents this violence and shows the horrible nature of murders. You can see it here (warning: very graphic images).

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